Episode 10

Published on:

27th Oct 2020

Stop Being So Poor

If you think 80% of Americans earn $400,000 per year, your circle of friends is very limited. Good for you - you'll probably not be catching coronavirus with that small a group.

For the rest of us, this stat feels a little unusual. Most of us don't earn anywhere near that amount. How does our relative wealth make us feel towards others? Whose job is it to help the poor? How much money is enough?

The UK government is under pressure to u-turn on a decision not to provide free school meals to children during school holidays. Should communities step in? Phylecia shares that it is also an issue in the US but that it is more usual for communities to step in.

What about people like Jeff Bezos? Is it really his responsibility to end world poverty?

Then there's people you know have money and yet don't get a round of drinks at the bar (or wait). I think we all know those people.

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Humans Exhaust Me
A podcast for our current world and everything within it
Did you ever imagine what the last couple of years would be like? Yeah, so did we. Was it what we envisioned? Er, nope.

Whether it's Covid-19, war, systemic racism, politics, celebrities or the general public, there's a lot of disappointment in our veins.

Come and share in our woe - it'll be therapeutic. But be warned, this is not an objective show.

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