Episode 154

Published on:

18th Oct 2023

Playlists of Your Life

While the war in Israel-Gaza intensifies, and while the many other conflicts that are now not being mentioned wage on for the many millions of suffering people caught up in them, we simply want to create a distraction with this episode.

Acknowledging the privilege that comes with being able to do this, this episode is meant as light relief.

Phylecia set a task to create a playlist of 21 songs that tell a story of your life. That was the only rule. Paul and Phylecia interpret this differently but the playlists are intriguing. In the podcast we talk through the tracks.

Paul's Playlist

Phylecia's Playlist

We'd love to hear yours. Create on Spotify and message us on Instagram with a link, or use the letters HEM in your playlist title so we can find it.

All segments played as fair usage with acknowledgement to the artists.

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About the Podcast

Humans Exhaust Me
A podcast for our current world and everything within it
Did you ever imagine what the last couple of years would be like? Yeah, so did we. Was it what we envisioned? Er, nope.

Whether it's Covid-19, war, systemic racism, politics, celebrities or the general public, there's a lot of disappointment in our veins.

Come and share in our woe - it'll be therapeutic. But be warned, this is not an objective show.

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A LikeMind Media production
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